Building A Stupid Hugo Site


It is astounding what can be done with a modern static web site. With the right tools and a little work, you can create an online presence and serve it up for a fraction of the price of a virtual server or other hosting option. After all: it’s just files!

This detailed step by step tutorial will help you create your own static site!


Hugo ships as one Go binary and looks pretty sweet, so why not? It is also apparently really fast, which is particularly important when you may have up to 10 pages to build some day.

(Notice how I completely skipped explaining the problem I want to solve? Is “content no one wants to read is not online” a problem per se? Let’s not overthink it.)

Answer the Most Important Question First

When building a web site, there is really only one engineering choice that must be made up front. Many factors go into the decision, but when all is said and done, this one choice will decide the ultimate fate of the site.

Of course I am speaking about choosing which free theme to use.

I chose Terminal cause it has a certain spartan old school savoir faire. Also it upper cases everything. I am extremely loud IRL so it accurately reflects what it’s like for me to talk to/at you.


You thought this was a HOWTO? Nope. No one said it was anything like that. Go here: Return when you have learned something.

Change from TOML to YAML

Next I changed config.toml to config.yaml because I work with infrastructure so I do everything in YAML. This has the added benefit of making it impossible to cut and paste TOML configuration examples, thus fulfilling the overarching value proposition of any project I work on: Minimum Function. Needless Complexity.

Get bored

I wrote an about page. It stinks. Not even half interested in finishing this post.

Critical Decisions Part Two

Whatever, so now I had a site. (hugo server to preview then hugo to build static HTML under /public)

More critical decisions needed to be made:

  • Where to host? On my old DigitalOcean instance? Or maybe just out of a freaking object bucket…?
  • How to deploy the site? Terraform it?

Before answering either of those questions my finely tuned engineering mind caught a flaw requiring immediate attention: “Paul, I am already sick of this theme.”

Change Themes Again

Despite the saccharine name, Hello Friend NG looks nice. In it went…

Deploy to DigitalOcean Spaces

I copied the public/ directory up to a DigitalOcean Space, setup their handy CDN and a DNS CNAME with a few clicks, and alakazam! It was online! And broken.

Spaces does not serve index.html as the default for a directory. After exhausting all other options, I relented and opened a classic Paul style support case which can be summarized as: “I already have an answer to my question, and it is that your product does not meet my need. I am very very disappointed in you.”

DigitalOcean support replied with a courteous and utterly useless response about how I could use their PaaS service instead, pointing out its simplicity and how other customers were happy with the solution.

I was not the least bit interested. As a tech saavy customer, I want choices. I want so many choices I don’t have to be expected to ever complete a task because I am so busy pondering all the choices.

I didn’t want to run anything. It is a static site. No servers!*

(*I was actually just being cheap. I would spend 1000 hours to avoid $10/mo. It makes sense. If you disagree, perhaps you should go learn a bit about business.)

OK, Deploy to AWS

Off to the land of choice and freedom. Setting up a static site on AWS is easy! You simply:

  • Create a private S3 bucket in a region other than us-east-1 (EVERYONE uses us-east-1 making it the least cool region)
  • Create an OAI (origin access identity) and give it read access to the bucket
  • Create an ACM certificate
  • No, first create a DNS record to validate domain ownership….
  • Then create an ACM certificate
  • Create a CloudFront distribution
  • Recreate the ACM certificate in us-east-1 Can’t you read documentation?
  • Upload content to S3
  • Upload content to S3 with the correct content-types
  • Realize that CloudFront only serves index.html from the root and not subdirectories
  • Die inside (a little)
  • Research and find a nice Lambda@Edge solution for forwarding subdirectories to their child index.html files
  • Zip the Lambda code
  • Deploy the Lambda code
  • Redeploy the Lambda code to us-east-1 (When will you learn? CloudFront loads everything from us-east-1)
  • Reconfigure CloudFront to use the Lambda
  • Reconfigure CloudFront to redirect HTTP to HTTPS
  • Wait an hour for some reason… Sometimes modifying CloudFront takes a longgggggg time.
  • Oh, and you did set up logging destinations for all of the above, right?

The power of AWS is knowing that after sufficient suffering you WILL get something working. You may not be able to explain it to anyone, and if you are not careful it may cost a car payment every month, but you will get something working.

Also, I did all of this in Terraform. I don’t write steps. I declare the world I want then make it so. I am a civilized human who uses Infrastructure as Code to make my life… uh… better? Not exactly… Easier? Ha, no… To make my life intellectually stimulating.

Check out the code here: It includes two stacks:

  • account - AWS account wide resources, like the S3 buckets for logs, Terraform state, and also the root Route53 hosted DNS zone
  • web - Static hosting site using S3, CloudFront, and Lambda@Edge

Themes… Again

I changed my mind and switched to Beautiful Hugo as it is more tasteful and I want to pretend to be sophisticated.

Maybe I will try to modify it later and break it horribly, then maintain a broken fork for a few years, then open a giant PR back to the project that could only be merged by the best coder from and advanced alien civilization.


Clearly a site no one reads deserves a full featured CI/CD system, and needless to say, you would not use some common off the shelf solution like GitHub Actions. Yawn.

No, you would run Kubernetes on your workstation and GitLab on top of that, and that is precisely what I did. (*There is actually a good reason for this, and it keeps me sharp for work, or at least that is the lie I tell myself.)

How do you do that? That’s a story for another day. For now, just see the .gitlab-ci.yml CI/CD definition file in

It takes care of building new content, pushing it to S3, and invalidating the CloudFront cache to start serving the new stuff.

Lessons Learned

In the end, was it worth it?

No. I could have used a billion other more efficient services to publish this “content”.

It’s not about the destination. It’s about the journey, and the journey was, well… OK, the journey was not quite worth it either. I should have written an application or something to sharpen skills someone might still care about in 4 years. Instead I published this static site. Just files in an object store… that I pay for every month.

See you next time!